It's been damn long since i last post!
And i just realised that i only have 12 post!!!
Thats a little pathetic...
I miss blogging..
It's just that i am kinda lazy to post
Today went for cca to help out even though step down le
Not really that tiring for me
But the rest are damn tired
So rest well girls!
After cca we had tuition by our officers..
Then sui xin, lai yeng, doris and i went to banquet and have our lunch
After that we walked around
So fun!
After that we went home at about 4+
Then after reaching home for a while..
Went to jp again but with my mum and sis
We bought some fruits cause tmr they wanna go visit my dead grandfather
And also ham!
After that we went to kfc and have dinner
While eating i saw lucas, jian yan, jun yao and one of their bb friend
[Idk what is his name but anyway..]
After finishing my dinner I went over and joined them
My mum and sis went home
We[me, lucas, jian yan, jun yao and one of their bb friend]went to walked around after their dinner
Then went home and....
~~Blah Blah Blah~~~
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