Its the sec 1 orientation plus our[nazma, alivia and me] farewell party!!
How cool can that be?
But during the games time
Alivia and i were not so happy
Shall not say about sad angry stuff
BUT happy stuff!!
After games, we were suppose to bath
After that our officer, wina told me that after we finishing showering
We have to call her
But before we went in to bathe we took pictures..
Then we called wina
Wina told us to go to the canteen and they will fetch us
So we went there and before going in to the conference room
They close each of our eyes[nazma, alivia and me]
Then we went in and they ask us to sit on the chair
Then they put facial essence on our face
In other words we got free facial..?
After that wina out on makeup for us
Our juniors straighten our hair and do our nails
After all we all had fun!!

So nice!
They sang one of Show Luo song for alivia
Idk what song was it
Then they sang and dance One Time for me and nazma
Then they sang Graduation song
The song for the video was You Are Not Alone
While watching the farewell video clip
Well..i cried
Wina told us that 'Agnes can cry because her mascara is waterproof, ALivia and Nazma you both cannot cry because yours is not waterproof.'
We laughed!
After that was dinner time!!
Yum yum!
The food was so delicious!
I am sure gonna miss all of them!
One of our old officers is getting married!!
My house cuckoo clock just rang and it sounded scary cause its damn slow...
And i am the only one at home...
Gotta go now
Need to meet Brenda sooon...
P.s. Sick never go go school for test in the end still can go liabrary..funny huh..
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