Watched 'The Hunger Games' the other day with brian (aka horn <-- weird nickname right? i know)
It was a reeeeeaaaaallllyyyyy niceeeee movie! (Y) (Y) (Y)
Throughout the entire movie, whenever they show the people with thick make-ups and weird dressings, i couldnt help but laugh hehehe.
They look really funny like idk......bimbos? They just look funny and brian laughed too after i told him that they looked like bimbos.....
And brian's jacket is really comfy like a blanket (ohkay this is so random)

Ohoh, isnt Peeta (Josh Hutcherson) cute and handsome?? *screams* Hahaha. I really liked him alot after watching this movie! And Katniss (jennifer lawrence) is really pretty! <--- ignore this whole part im just blabbering..
Ah, i realllyyyyy love this movie alot!!! Cant wait for the 2nd and 3rd movie to be out!!! :)
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