I want to have a guy best friend.
Someone who will listen to every single one of my complaints;
someone who will lend me a shoulder to lean on when i am upset;
someone who will protect me;
someone who will keep my secrets;
someone whom i can turn to.
Girls are so complicated they can never ever be trusted. :)
Credit: weien
Monday, April 30, 2012
Monday, April 16, 2012
School has already started for about a week plus now... Not really used to the surroundings without seeing any familiar faces... (ok maybe just 3/4....)
But i reallyyyyyyy miss all my friends!!! Brenda, ezzaty, samiah, cy, suresh, etc.... :'(
My classmates are ok...just a little toooooo quiet...? Everyone seems to have their own cliques... Not really bonded at all...and certainly not what i expected.. Sigh. :/
But i managed to make more new friends!!!! *yippeeeee* They are such nice ppl. Fun, crappy, nice. :')
The journey there is pretty long and tiring... :( Their uniform are quite stuffy..even though all classrooms are air-conditioned. Toilets only found at each end of every floor (which is so inconvenient!! imagine when you really need the toilet badly and you have to run all the way to the end just to use the toilet!) and many many moreeeeeee! (ok enough of rantings)
I miss jvs too. Haha ;)
Anw, everyone seems to want to pursue accounting in poly...except me.. :] *blinks* Weeeeeee the unique one :')
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Last 5NA chalet
Guys at work! It was raining the other day so we had indoor bbq! So cool!
My first time seeing/having a indoor bbq! :)
All waiting for food to be served...
So when they finally succeeded in cooking the otahs and satays, the rain has stopped. Hooray! No more smoky rooms! :) So they carried everything out.
Overall everything turns out alright except a few tensions here and there....
But im sure some do enjoy themself during the chalet?
I have to be honest, the previous chalet was indeed more fun and entertaining...
BUT i enjoyed myself during this chalet too! Making the chicken wings and having frozen, numbed hands together with brenda. Bbq-ing otahs, satays, sting rays (yummeh ♥), prawns and sotongs with cy, daniel and brenda!
Daniel and cy even brought home some otahs! HAHAHA
Isn't my cousin cute? Hahaha. He's gonna be so handsome when he grow up :)
Look at how long it is! Compared to mine, hers is like 10 times longer!
(btw I took this when she's having a fake nap bahaha)
Why I say it's a fake nap? Cuz she wanna hear Justin bieber's song. (she likes his song)
How I know she's faking to sleep? Every song I change, she'll smile hahaha.
How cute can she be :')
And I said something wrong just now that made someone misunderstood my words..
I'm really really sorry. :'( Although you've said nvm multiple times but still i feel guilty and sad....
I didn't know you'll misunderstood my words and I really didnt mean it that way..
Sighhh I'll be more careful with my choice of words in the future now..
Thanks for understanding too.. :/
Monday, April 2, 2012

Watched 'The Hunger Games' the other day with brian (aka horn <-- weird nickname right? i know)
It was a reeeeeaaaaallllyyyyy niceeeee movie! (Y) (Y) (Y)
Throughout the entire movie, whenever they show the people with thick make-ups and weird dressings, i couldnt help but laugh hehehe.
They look really funny like idk......bimbos? They just look funny and brian laughed too after i told him that they looked like bimbos.....
And brian's jacket is really comfy like a blanket (ohkay this is so random)

Ohoh, isnt Peeta (Josh Hutcherson) cute and handsome?? *screams* Hahaha. I really liked him alot after watching this movie! And Katniss (jennifer lawrence) is really pretty! <--- ignore this whole part im just blabbering..
Ah, i realllyyyyy love this movie alot!!! Cant wait for the 2nd and 3rd movie to be out!!! :)
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Went to bugis with cy to look for his poly clothes...until he reminded me of the 1D standees!! MUAHAHA and he actually helped me find them ;)
We're like two crazy ppl going around junction 8 finding the standees. Hehe and he took photos for me though he's kinda reluctant... :( :/ :|
Anyway, we also managed to find his pants!!
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