Think my photography skills have improved!
Teehee! *shy*
Had an awesome day today! :)
But not much fun..
Lucas, Jun Yao, Javier and Zhong Han walked so fast that Brenda and i couldn't catch up with them so we decided to go and have our lunch at Mc Donald.
When we were about to start digging in Lucas called
We finished our food and he and Zhong Han came to bring us to the skate park.
When we reached guess what we were doing..
Brenda and i were like stonning.
Both of us were listening to Jonas LA songs and also looking at B2ST MVs
Other than that, we were super bored!!!
The guys were either skateboarding or playing iTouch.
After a while Javier went home.
Then the rest were making ram or something.
There's this guy asking me and Brenda who took this
Obviously we said we don't know
Then he started taking pictures and when Jing En came he explained
Luckily nothing happen to us
Or else we are soooooo dead.
Then Alvin went home.
After that the rest of us went to Mc Donald then we head home :)
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