Saturday, December 25, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010

Ezzaty did screamed a little because of the snake thing the shock the hell of most of us. Hehe!
Brenda didn't get shocked cause she dropped her fries. Haha!
And i jumped! Hehe! :x
I aways get shocked whenever Harry and his friends went to another place. Hehe!
And at the later part Dobby died.. :'(
I kinda cried and i think Ezzaty cried too.

Awww.. And i cried.
Oh oh! And i LOVE this part!!!!
Bellatrix: How dare you defy your master!
Dobby the House Elf: Dobby has no master. Dobby is a free elf. And Dobby has come to save Harry Potter and his friends.
Friday, November 19, 2010
This is the day!

Wonder what will it be like... Hmm.
Will there be people crying? I'm sure everyone will miss their friends and teachers.
The thought of grad night makes me remember my grad night when i was in p6.
I know its like so long ago but i still remember that almost everyone cried. Even the guys.
Miss those days. Hope today will be memorable too! :D
Monday, November 15, 2010
Good old days ♥♥♥
Read your blog and GUESS WHAT!
I really really missed those days when were in Golden Link.
We danced and sang to the song 第一次爱的人 almost everyday and we don't have to study!
And when we have time we would dance to 爱你.
HAHA! We sure did enjoyed those moments together!
That's the only song that we danced together with Veronica, Shan Shan, Kelly, Celesta, Celine.
All of us loved that song so much at that time if i am not wrong. :D
And when we were performing that song all of us were kinda excited and nervous.
But still we made it. I wonder how good we danced. HEHE!
Missed those days and the rest of them! ♥
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Went to work with cy today.
It was quite fun. :D
He kept on crapping around. Like a clown! HAHA! :x
Today was a really busy day! So many customer! And they bought so many stuff.
All the rich people! *jealous!!!*
After work went home with cy again.. We crapped alot. Haha!
He seriously is a joker!!!
Okay seriously idk what to post about. So i shall stop here.
Saturday, November 13, 2010

I can't believe i am do this until the end of december.
But its kinda fun though. Haha! Made new friends. Learnt new stuff.
Everyone were friendly and cy's friends are so crappy. :D
Grad night is coming! *excited!*
I can't wait for 19 nov!!!
Everyone will look niceeeee!!! :)
So gonna LOOOOVEEEE that day! (Y)
Oh my gosh! I'm like so damn tired after working today.
And i can even blog right now. Haha!
I shall sleep after blogging. Awesome!
What a busy day today! So many customer! So many things to do.
Had late lunch. Crapped and fooled around with Vincent cause he kept on teasing me with someone...
Walk like a zombie, talk like one too when i was going home with cy and afiqah. Zzzz. Haha!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I can't believe that we quarreled again last night. This time i'm really angry.
But you somehow cheered me up and made me smile after that terrible moment.
Thanks for making me smile when i almost forgotten how to.
Went to celebrate brenda's advanced birthday today and it was AWESOME!!!!! :D *thumbs up!*
Ezzaty and i decorated a cake for her. :)
Took neoprints with brenda, afiqah and ezzaty just now. It was FUUUUUN!!!
Ezzaty did those silly faces and while we were decorating it we all laughed. Haha! :D
Right now i feel like taking more pictures!!!!!!!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Quarreled with you over some small thing through messaging.
After that i felt so awful..
Can't really sleep last night. I kept on tossing and turning. :x
Can't forget what you said. Evil boy!!
So i message Qi Sheng, Louis and Zhi Rong at around 1+ am to wish them Happy Birthday. Hehe
Since Qi Sheng replied so we chat till 2+am then we went to sleep. :)
No plans today.. Actually there is a plan but Brenda can't make it so i didn't go too. :)
So i am gonna rot today.. :(
Hope i can find a job! Fast! :/
Friday, October 22, 2010
♥ ♥ ♥

So tired!!
Gonna meet Ezzaty at 10 then we'll go school together.
She'll study her math then i'll...think of something useful to do. Hehe
Then i'll go for GB later on in the afternoon and after that off to colours award. Hehe :D
Awesome ttm! ♥
Yesterday David and i had planned out an awesome plan!
After his holiday me, him, Ezzaty, Kun Hong and Qi Sheng will go to sentosa!
Awesome right?! Hehe.
Can't wait for that day to come!! ♥
Quick quick holidays faster come!!! I wanna hang out with them!!!! :)
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Can't wait :D
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Kinda boring eh? I think so too.
Getting colours award on friday! WOOHOO!!!
But must wear tie... :(
Makes me can't breathe.. Like suffocating only :(
But still i have to if i want my award. Hehe!
Okay gtg now. Shall post again soon. :)

Having a hard time using my right hand *pain*
Super tired and bored
I kept on waking up today. I dont know how many times have i woke up and i can even reply people's messages in the middle on the night or early in the morning.
How cool is that? :S
Haze everywhere!
Hope the drivers are careful and not have any accidents. :)
Monday, October 18, 2010
Pain! :'(

At first i didn't know how to play so i kept on getting gutter but after that i get the hang of it and for the second and third round i think i win. Hehe! :)
After that my whole hand is aching like hell!
Then we went to have lunch at Mc Donald
I had a hard time eating my burger cause of my aching hands!
How awesome is that? :(
After that we went to pioneer skate park
The weather is sooooo hot and the place is so far!
Got mosquito bites too! :'(
Then we head home and its so boring now!
Bored Bored Bored Bored Bored Bored Bored Bored Bored Bored Bored Bored
Friday, Saturday and Today!

Saw Wei Cai and Yi Win at Jurong Point and met Lucas and Jun Yao
We went to meet Louis at the mrt and i brought Lucas and Jun Yao to Brenda's house
Then i went back to meet Wei Cai, Louis and Yi Win at the mrt to go to sentosa :)
When we reached vivo we bought the tickets and blah blah blah
When we were inside the sky train there 2 person dressed up as the Halloween thing to scare people.
They look kinda scary but cool. Hehe.
They sure did scare some people. Muhahahaha!
After reaching the beach station we walked to the wave house cause Suresh, Wen Jie, Jacky and Chiang Yuen found a place there.
Then the guys were playing soccer then off they went to play with the water
I stayed on the beach. Hehe. Bout not for long cause Jacky kept on pulling me to go inside the water then Chiang Yuen pushed me in and the rest start splashing water at me...
EVIL chiang yuen! Hehe :P
Then we played with the water until 5+ or 6+ i think and off we go for shower
Oh ya! Wen Jie kept on thinking and talking about this babe that he saw i think. Idk how to spell. Hehe! He and Suresh even went to look for her so had an early shower.
Hands tired!! :(
Anyway after showering we were all waiting for Jacky, Chiang Yuen and Louis since they are the last to go for shower and they are slow too! Ooops! :X
So i took pictures of the sunset. Its so nice! (L)
BUT the picture above is not the one that i took. I just found it somewhere. My pictures would of course be nicer! Teehee! :X *shy*
Wei Cai took pictures of it also i think
After that we went back to vivo to decide on our dinner. After walking around and we reached White Dog Cafe. But when they saw the price the decided to eat somewhere else.
Wei Cai joked about people opening a Black Dog Cafe in front of the White Dog Cafe. Haha! Craps!
In the end we went to Dhoby Ghaut for dinner which was suggested by Chiang Yuen.
OMG this post is so long already!!!
Anyway after me and Jacky finished our dinner he went home with me cause i gotta rush home.
Blah blah blah~
Saturday props making made my hand smell like the tape but still it was fun wrapping rolls of newspaper with aluminium foil together with Clarissa :)
Okay back to today! :D
Going bowling later on at Taman Jurong with Ezzaty, Brenda, Lucas, Jun Yao and maybe Javier.
Hope later on at night nothing will happen cause i am scared.. :S
Finally finish posting! :)
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Think my photography skills have improved!
Teehee! *shy*
Had an awesome day today! :)
But not much fun..
Lucas, Jun Yao, Javier and Zhong Han walked so fast that Brenda and i couldn't catch up with them so we decided to go and have our lunch at Mc Donald.
When we were about to start digging in Lucas called
We finished our food and he and Zhong Han came to bring us to the skate park.
When we reached guess what we were doing..
Brenda and i were like stonning.
Both of us were listening to Jonas LA songs and also looking at B2ST MVs
Other than that, we were super bored!!!
The guys were either skateboarding or playing iTouch.
After a while Javier went home.
Then the rest were making ram or something.
There's this guy asking me and Brenda who took this
Obviously we said we don't know
Then he started taking pictures and when Jing En came he explained
Luckily nothing happen to us
Or else we are soooooo dead.
Then Alvin went home.
After that the rest of us went to Mc Donald then we head home :)
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Suuuupeeerrrr boooorrreeeedddd!!!!

And its like the start of the day and i am already bored like hell!
:@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@
Boring holidays is so not what i have expected at all..
Gosh, my life is so boring.. :'(

Jean-luc bilodeau is soooo hooot!
Haha! I got influenced by Brenda to watch 16 wishes. Hehe
Its a good influence :)
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Sweet sweet sweet

Awww.. Isn't he sweet? :)
And i am so gonna pray for everyone! :)
But right now, I AM FREAKING BORED!!!
I have nothing to do except rotting at home! :'(
No event tomorrow also!
Boring holidays are HORRIBLE!!!
:@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@

You suddenly came into my mind..
Is that good? Or is it bad?

Went to ecp with Brenda, Jia Ching and Clarissa
We rode the double bike. :)
Brenda and Jia Ching, and me and Clarissa
We rode all the way to obs there
Awesome right? I know
Passing by obs really bring back memories when we were in sec 2
Me and Brenda kept talking about it
How i wish i could go obs again!!!
After that we went to a market and wait for Jia Ching to buy her lunch then we went to Mc Donald and have our lunch there.
All of us were starving but we didn't finish our french fries. Hehe
Then we went to the beach and play!
We took lots of pictures too!'s not really a lot..
Sorry girls i can't upload the pictures. I had problems with my phone.
After that they went to changed.
Then Clarissa went to wait for her friend
Me, Jia Ching and Brenda went and took the bus
Brenda and i took 197 back to je
The ride was suuuuupeeeerrrr long
Passed by many nice houses and shops. :)
Friday, October 8, 2010
Missing everything already! :'(

My sore throat is still with me and my throat hurts badly!! :'(
Hope it goes away soon..
Yesterday math p2 was awesome!! It's so much easier than p1. :)
Geography was awesome too! Development was quite easy! :)
Brenda totally crap about the question on colonialism. HAHA!
She even laughed at her own craps when she doing that question. :)
But the whole question of rivers i have no idea what it is talking about... :'(
So i guess i can't really score for my geography.. :(
I studied rivers like nobody's business and the moment i saw the question my mind went completely blank.
How cool is that?
JY JY! <3
Going starbucks and study poa later. Awesome right? I know. :)
After monday our N level will officially end.
Then we can say goodbye to school and hello to holidays.
But right now i don't wanna say goodbye to school yet!
In fact i am missing school already! :'(
Remembering all the joy and sadness we had in school really brings back memories.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Was sick today.
Having sore throat and slight fever..
Now i am feeling a whole lot better than this morning but still my throat hurts like HELL!
Guess Mr Chocolate has to wait till i am feeling all better.
Poor me.
Anyway, tomorrow is math p2 and geography
I haven't really been memorising much and guess what?!
Here i am blogging.
I am hopeless...
I am so gonna go and memorise my geog notes later and after that if i have time i'll do math p2.
Oh ya!
When my birthday is the next day??!!
:@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@
So this year whether i will either be celebrating my birthday or not will have to depends on my N level results. OH CRAP!! This is PATHETIC!! :(
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Oh no

I don't know how to explain but it just doesn't feel right and i am really very confused.
Nothing makes sense. ):
And did i mention, today's math paper was quite hard. :@
With the fan blowing my paper, the scorching sun shinning and the hot weather, my brain wasn't really working.
They shouldn't put the paper in the afternoon.
And i bet i didn't really do well for today's paper. :'(

I am having sore throat now and it hurts badly. :'(
Mr sore throat pleeeaaaasssseee go away cause i wanna eat Mr Chocolate :)
Today is math paper 1. Hope i can do.
I don't wanna fail my math. :)
Yesterday physics paper was AWESOME!!!
To whoever the setter for physics thank you cause you really made the paper easy! :)
And for once i can say that i can the physics paper!
How cool can that be? :)
Chemistry was okay but kinda hard.
But overall it was still AWESOME!! :)
Okay, i gotta go to school soon.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
N Level is on monday
First paper, Physics then Chemistry.
Hope i can do the paper and please who ever the teacher who set the Physics paper please make it easier cause my Physics is so damn lousy! :'(
I am so gonna buck up on my physics tmr.
Although its too late but who cares. Hehe.
Going church tmr to study :)
Me and Brenda gonna wear the same BLUE shirt :)
How cool is that? Hehe!
Even the colour of my post is BLUE! Teehee! :) (L)
N Level is on monday
First paper, Physics then Chemistry.
Hope i can do the paper and please who ever the teacher who set the Physics paper please make it easier cause my Physics is so damn lousy! :'(
I am so gonna buck up on my physics tmr.
Although its too late but who cares. Hehe.
Going church tmr to study :)
Me and Brenda gonna wear the same BLUE shirt :)
How cool is that? Hehe!
Even the colour of my post is BLUE! Teehee! :) (L)
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Went for a hair cut just now and OMG it's freaking short!
Okay, not that short as what you are thinking.
But it's still SHORT!!! :(
My fringe looks a little like bangs
When it's dry after i wash my hair it's so hard to make it nice! :(
Hate it!!
So irritating!!! :@
How am i gonna survive tomorrow?
Will Mdm Alinah catch my fringe?! :O
Hope not.
Okay, not that short as what you are thinking.
But it's still SHORT!!! :(
My fringe looks a little like bangs
When it's dry after i wash my hair it's so hard to make it nice! :(
Hate it!!
So irritating!!! :@
How am i gonna survive tomorrow?
Will Mdm Alinah catch my fringe?! :O
Hope not.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
I haven't pack my bag.
Haven't iron my uniform.
If only someone could help me..
I am soooo daaaammnn tirrreeeddd!!
Haven't iron my uniform.
If only someone could help me..
I am soooo daaaammnn tirrreeeddd!!
Watching Maid Sama! just now
SOOOOO NICE!!!!! Hehe! :)
Soooo sssswwweeettt toooo!!!
Usui and Misaki are together :)
Went to church to study today
I totally forgot to bring my poa and math stuff to study there.
So Crystal can't teach me poa.. :(
So i am stucked with physics.
Its kinda boring. Hehe
And i know my physics is really daaammnnn lousy!!! :'(
So gonna buck up!! :D
Just now Joseph taught me physics and i kept on laughing.
I also don't know what is so funny but i just laugh. Hehe :X
Ian is sooo daaamn crappy!
Joseph and Clarissa were fighting over the sofa just now.
Not really a fight but still idk how to explain.
It's just so funny!
In the end, Clarissa gave up the sit.
Gonna buy Graduation ticket tmr! :)
I saw the masks at JP but i think when we wear it we all will look scary! Hehe!
When i saw those masks i suddenly thought of those pictures that Miss O.K had shown us during our Tourism & Hospitality course.
It reminds me of the people in Venice.
Everyone were wearing many different kind and beautiful masks and they were all partying.
Sounds fun eh?
I think it's daaammnnn fuuuunnn!!
I miss Miss O.K's lessons! :)
Oh ya, Brenda and I got grade B for our Tourism & Hospitality course. :)
Ezzaty got grade A. :)
She's so pro! Hehe!
SOOOOO NICE!!!!! Hehe! :)
Soooo sssswwweeettt toooo!!!
Usui and Misaki are together :)
Went to church to study today
I totally forgot to bring my poa and math stuff to study there.
So Crystal can't teach me poa.. :(
So i am stucked with physics.
Its kinda boring. Hehe
And i know my physics is really daaammnnn lousy!!! :'(
So gonna buck up!! :D
Just now Joseph taught me physics and i kept on laughing.
I also don't know what is so funny but i just laugh. Hehe :X
Ian is sooo daaamn crappy!
Joseph and Clarissa were fighting over the sofa just now.
Not really a fight but still idk how to explain.
It's just so funny!
In the end, Clarissa gave up the sit.
Gonna buy Graduation ticket tmr! :)
I saw the masks at JP but i think when we wear it we all will look scary! Hehe!
When i saw those masks i suddenly thought of those pictures that Miss O.K had shown us during our Tourism & Hospitality course.
It reminds me of the people in Venice.
Everyone were wearing many different kind and beautiful masks and they were all partying.
Sounds fun eh?
I think it's daaammnnn fuuuunnn!!
I miss Miss O.K's lessons! :)
Oh ya, Brenda and I got grade B for our Tourism & Hospitality course. :)
Ezzaty got grade A. :)
She's so pro! Hehe!
Somebody save me!!!
Damn pissed off!!! :@
Why don't you get it?!!
I am so ddddaaaammnnnn bbbbaaaadddd at rejecting people that everytime when it happens i am always STUUUUCCCKKK!!
You will always cry and say something that makes me feel so guilty!!!! :'(
Although i won't admit anything but its true..
Maybe i'll just keep everything to myself.
Maybe that's the only way. :/
Oh ya CY, although i can't help much but this is the least i can do.
Teehee! :)
Why don't you get it?!!
I am so ddddaaaammnnnn bbbbaaaadddd at rejecting people that everytime when it happens i am always STUUUUCCCKKK!!
You will always cry and say something that makes me feel so guilty!!!! :'(
Although i won't admit anything but its true..
Maybe i'll just keep everything to myself.
Maybe that's the only way. :/
Oh ya CY, although i can't help much but this is the least i can do.
Teehee! :)
Thursday, September 23, 2010
No longer gonna bother about it :)

Think i am gonna be sick soon :(
Ezzaty and Afiqah said i have slight fever today... :'(
Was super cold today!
Humaira too.
Hehe So i'm not the only crazy one. *oops*
Doris get well soon okay! (:
Happy 9th monthsary to you too! (: <3
Brenda! Don't get too worked up over what people are talking about me.
Relax. Hehe!
Thanks for what you did anyway. (:
Hmm.. Will graduation night be fun, awesome and memorable that everyone will be in tears of joy this year?
Where everyone will be crying and talking about what we went through in the past and what will happen in the future.
I sure hope to see everyone again next year! (:
Anyway people JIA YOU for the N and O level! (:
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

It's so FREAKING irritating! :(
Hatred getting deeper... /:
When will this come to an end?!
It's like hell over here...!! :@
Now i don't really dare to talk too much to you
Not when people are talking about it :(
It's hard but i've can't really do anything but ignore them :X
Monday, September 20, 2010
Can things get any worst?!!!

Maybe i ONCE did like you but after ALL THIS?!!!
:@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@
History are history!!!
You don't go around talking about it and there will be people spreading it like wildfire!!
It wasn't supposed to be like that!!!
It just made my life worst!!!
And I HATE IT!!!
maybe i shouldn't have like you but now its ALL OVER!!!
And that's the BEST PART EVER!!!! I hope...
Song introduced by brenda today!! (:
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
I didn't really like doing math but guess what.
I HAVE been doing math recently.
I didn't think that i would do math quite often now and i never thought that after what had happened i did math to keep my problems away.
And for the first time this year i actually listened to Ms Fong's lesson today and i know how to do the question.
Can't believe eh?
Neither can i.
But i did it somehow.. Ha!
I HAVE been doing math recently.
I didn't think that i would do math quite often now and i never thought that after what had happened i did math to keep my problems away.
And for the first time this year i actually listened to Ms Fong's lesson today and i know how to do the question.
Can't believe eh?
Neither can i.
But i did it somehow.. Ha!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Why why why?
Was unhappy yesterday..
Cried till my eyes hurt..
But was fine after talking to ezzaty on the phone.
But after she put down the phone, I was back to what i was previously doing which was crying.. ):
But it only lasted for a while and i went back to doing math
Felt much better today! (:
Today's lesson was kinda boring starting with science..
Had a surprise chem test today.. ):
Athat physics was boring?
Math lesson was fun! (:
Drawing bisectors and stuff. (:
After school went to watch Vampire Suck
It was AWESOME!!!
The Edward(Matt Lanter) in the show was hot!
Teehee! :X
Cried till my eyes hurt..
But was fine after talking to ezzaty on the phone.
But after she put down the phone, I was back to what i was previously doing which was crying.. ):
But it only lasted for a while and i went back to doing math
Felt much better today! (:
Today's lesson was kinda boring starting with science..
Had a surprise chem test today.. ):
Athat physics was boring?
Math lesson was fun! (:
Drawing bisectors and stuff. (:
After school went to watch Vampire Suck
It was AWESOME!!!
The Edward(Matt Lanter) in the show was hot!
Teehee! :X
Monday, September 13, 2010

It was awesome! (:
Hemione and Zahara came too.
They were playing the guitars and singing too.
Afiqah, Jacqi and i left them alone in Afiqah's room and went to her dining room to eat, chat and use the computer until Hermione and Zahara went home.
Then we(Afiqah, Jacqi and i) went back to Afiqah's room and took lots of photos through webcam.
We are like crazy people spamming photos with silly actions.
(both afiqah and jacqi suggested them. Hehe)
Ooops! :X
Had 2 hours of math lessons just now.
Sweet! (:
Brenda forgot to bring her papers and she went to take a new set and she was busy copying my answers when Mdm Ng was beside her.
So fun! (:
Just reached home and its boring staying at home alone! ):
Gonna study later and i don't know what should i do after that.
Maybe watch 'Good Luck Charlie' ? (:
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Come on and sing

Oh My Gosh! Camp rock 2 is soooo damn nice!!!
Looovvveee the songs! Espicially 'Introducing me' by Nick Jonas! ♥
He is so cute in the movie! (:
The way he sang to Dana[chole] is so SWEET!! (:
I keep singing the song. Sounds crazy huh? But i am not. Hehe.
Another boring day! Didn't went out today. ):
Had to do housework later on and the mail man is so long!
Waited for him for like an hour already! Humph!
I haven't do my math homework and HOLIDAY IS GOING TO END SOON! ):
So when is doomsday coming? (:
Btw thanks brenda for helping. (:
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Hello hello hello!!!
I am so bored bored bored!!!
And its so not fun staying at home with nothing to do!!! ):
Anyway, NO MORE EXAMS FOR THE TIME BEING until 4 october!!!! (:
Chinese, Social studies and English cleared!! (:
Aiming to get As or Bs! (:
Cs are good too. (:
Just now Mr Lee snatched my english insert from miss chee and i got shocked!
He said 'Its okay i collect' to miss chee
And he knocked until my table! ):
Miss chee's face kinda went blank.
I am so bored bored bored!!!
And its so not fun staying at home with nothing to do!!! ):
Anyway, NO MORE EXAMS FOR THE TIME BEING until 4 october!!!! (:
Chinese, Social studies and English cleared!! (:
Aiming to get As or Bs! (:
Cs are good too. (:
Just now Mr Lee snatched my english insert from miss chee and i got shocked!
He said 'Its okay i collect' to miss chee
And he knocked until my table! ):
Miss chee's face kinda went blank.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Singapore VS Haiti (:
Watching soccer now! (:
So nice!
I wanna play soccer! (:
Went out with Jacqi, Jia Xin, Yee Xin and Doris just now (:
So fun!
Happy Birthday Jia Xin! (:
Prelims are finally over!!! (:
'N' level is coming.. ):
Hope i can get in to sec 5.. /:
So nice!
I wanna play soccer! (:
Went out with Jacqi, Jia Xin, Yee Xin and Doris just now (:
So fun!
Happy Birthday Jia Xin! (:
Prelims are finally over!!! (:
'N' level is coming.. ):
Hope i can get in to sec 5.. /:
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Friday, August 6, 2010
♥BEST DAY!!! (:

School's celebrating National Day today! (:
Went to 5N2's Haunted House
Its not that scary since i already know where to walk..
But i still get scared sometimes
Someone kept on pulling my hand
Wonder who is that!
Make my hand so pain! ):
He/She kept pulling me and i kept on holding on to Miss Loh and she is pulling me too
Just now during the singing songs session at the hall was so DAMN FUN & NICE!!! ♥
Kept on screaming, singing and jumping around with brenda, gladys and the rest
Had so much fun with them just now!
This is the first time i experience the class spirit (:
We were all so hyper just now ♥
Screamed till my throat so pain.. ):
Now so damn bored..
Going to study with reviana later
Maybe her friend coming too
Need to chiong for prelims!! ):
Jia you people! (:
Make the best out of yourself! (: ♥
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Went kite flying yesterday and don't know when too.
But yesterday was so FUN!!! ♥
Yee Xin, Rosalind, Jacqi, Ezzaty, Afiqah and Brenda were there (:
Including Lucas, Syaiful, Jun Yao and two other friends of theirs. (:
First time i flew a kite and it's so HIGH! (:
Finally know how to fly a kite! ♥
And i just realized most of my kite flying photos were all so unglam! ):
38 MORE DAYS!!! ):
Stressing out too much! ):
Passed my English Mock! (: ♥
The rest i think i failed... ):
Anyway people!
Jia you for the upcoming prelims and 'N' levels!!! ♥
Soon it'll be over before you knoew it! (:
Friday, July 23, 2010
44 more days to go!!! ):
Still have lots of stuff to memorize!! ):
Oral on monday!
DIE!! ):
So many math and physics homework to do..
So busy!! ):
Still have lots of stuff to memorize!! ):
Oral on monday!
DIE!! ):
So many math and physics homework to do..
So busy!! ):
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

It's so stressful seeing the numbers decreasing day by day! ):
Next monday 26 July: 'N' level chinese oral!!!
Oh gosh!
And i am the first! ):
My chinese sucks.. Doris said i have the english accent when i say/read chinese.. ):
Is it true??
Another tiring day /week and so on..
11 August the start of prelim! ):
After prelim will be 'N' level already
Why does time pass by so quickly! ):
Sunday, July 18, 2010
So long never update blog!
So busy with night study these few months..
All because of prelim plus 'n' level
Stressful time..
Bought a new bag! (:
Hope its not ugly.. (:
My old bad is going to torn soon..
Doris kept on pulling..
But it still can be use
But i am scared it will spoil..
Double haiz! ):
Love that bag sooo much..
So long never update blog!
So busy with night study these few months..
All because of prelim plus 'n' level
Stressful time..
Bought a new bag! (:
Hope its not ugly.. (:
My old bad is going to torn soon..
Doris kept on pulling..
But it still can be use
But i am scared it will spoil..
Double haiz! ):
Love that bag sooo much..
Monday, July 12, 2010
Lessons in the container (:

Today's a long day..
Chinese mock was hard..
Mr yang keep staring at people..
So damn SCARY! D:
After that went to the container for geography supp
Didn't know that inside looks like the mpr
Teehee! (:
It's damn freezing cold in there
Smelly outside too
Wonder what happen out there just now.. (:
kinda tired..
Awake at 3+ am
Doris was suppose to wake me up at 2+ but i dont know where she went
Doing english compre now..
Social studies homework i dont know how to do... D:
Holland vs Spain
Who will win? (:
Doris was suppose to wake me up at 2+ but i dont know where she went
Doing english compre now..
Social studies homework i dont know how to do... D:
Holland vs Spain
Who will win? (:
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Hey hey hey
'N' Level oral today!
Damn scared and nervous at first
After listening to songs i wasn't scared or nervous anymore (:
The oral was fun and a nice experience! (:
The examiner was okay
The chinese examiner was more friendly and she keep smiling and nodding (:
Next time when i am scared or nervous i shall listen to songs! (:
'N' Level oral today!
Damn scared and nervous at first
After listening to songs i wasn't scared or nervous anymore (:
The oral was fun and a nice experience! (:
The examiner was okay
The chinese examiner was more friendly and she keep smiling and nodding (:
Next time when i am scared or nervous i shall listen to songs! (:
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
SICK!!! ):
I am having headache, my muscles are aching and i'm coughing
Just now 2.4 was terrible!
I have never run 2.4 and felt like vomiting after the run before! ):
Just now 2.4 was terrible!
I have never run 2.4 and felt like vomiting after the run before! ):
Monday, July 5, 2010
Movie Time! (:
Went to watch eclipse just now (:
It was freezing cold!
Jacob is so damn HOT! ♥
Hehehee! (:
♥ Jacob (:
So sad he got injured... ):
Bella should choose him instead of Edward (:
[oopsy..Edward's fans please don't kill me..! (:]
Ezzaty kept saying its the first time she didn't cry while watching a movie
Silly she! (:
It was freezing cold!
Jacob is so damn HOT! ♥
Hehehee! (:
♥ Jacob (:
So sad he got injured... ):
Bella should choose him instead of Edward (:
[oopsy..Edward's fans please don't kill me..! (:]
Ezzaty kept saying its the first time she didn't cry while watching a movie
Silly she! (:
Say hello to goodbye?
So tired..
Going to brenda's house later to design the class tee
After that watching eclipse with david, qi sheng, ezzaty and kun hong
Going to brenda's house later to design the class tee
After that watching eclipse with david, qi sheng, ezzaty and kun hong
Saturday, July 3, 2010

Yesterday's cross country was superb
Because i got 3rd for sec 4/5! ♥
Haha! (:
We also got 2nd for the class (: ♥
Now my leg is aching like hell! ):
2.4 on tuesday some more..
Haiz.. ):
Went jp just now with doris and pei qi
I walked like a robot!
Teehee! (:
All thanks to the cross country ):
Tuition tomorrow! ):
Leg aching leh!
I dont wanna go.. ):
Thursday, July 1, 2010
New look?
Haha (:
Went to cut my hair just now
Don't like my new look! ):
Hate that!
But i manage to save it! (:
Cross country tomorrow
Means no studying! (:
BUT i have to run for the competition thing representing the class...
Got sabo by farhan! ):
Told mdm ng that i run very well...
Blame me for running well...
Haha (:
Went to cut my hair just now
Don't like my new look! ):
Hate that!
But i manage to save it! (:
Cross country tomorrow
Means no studying! (:
BUT i have to run for the competition thing representing the class...
Got sabo by farhan! ):
Told mdm ng that i run very well...
Blame me for running well...
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Burning midnight oil right now
All because of Mdm Ng's math homework
I dont understand Quartiles and Percentiles when i am dong the homework
So now i have to learn by myself in order to finish my homework
Burning midnight oil right now
All because of Mdm Ng's math homework
I dont understand Quartiles and Percentiles when i am dong the homework
So now i have to learn by myself in order to finish my homework
Saturday, June 26, 2010
School's Out!!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
AEM!!! (:

It was so DAMN FUNNN!!!!
Ms OK[olivia koh] was a really good & funny lecturer (:
♥Love her a lot! (:
The rest of them in the same course as me were really nice too!
Rachel is a really pretty & nice girl!! (:
Love her man! ♥
We should hang out together some time!
In school too!!! ♥
Talking to Rachel & Ezzaty is so DAMN FUN!!!
♥Rachel- Pretty & Adorable girl ♥
♥Ezzaty- Cartoonic & Adorable girl ♥
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Welcome back! (:
Monday, June 7, 2010
Hey hey hey!!!!!
Ezzaty is back!!!
We can go out already!!! (:
Had lots of fun today!
Pei qi is like so funny!
She is like a criminal running away from her mum
And she kept on wanting to go to Xcraft!
Crazy girl..
Gotta go now.. (:
Ezzaty is back!!!
We can go out already!!! (:
Had lots of fun today!
Pei qi is like so funny!
She is like a criminal running away from her mum
And she kept on wanting to go to Xcraft!
Crazy girl..
Gotta go now.. (:
Missing you guys! ):
I am so damn bored!
There's english supp tmr and here i am still blogging..
[I cant believe i am saying this but....]
Ezzaty and Doris!!!
When are you two coming back!!!
I miss you two!!!!
It's kinda boring without you two around
Cause you two are always noisy whenever i am with you
I am so damn bored!
There's english supp tmr and here i am still blogging..
[I cant believe i am saying this but....]
Ezzaty and Doris!!!
When are you two coming back!!!
I miss you two!!!!
It's kinda boring without you two around
Cause you two are always noisy whenever i am with you
Sunday, June 6, 2010
SICK!! ):
Recently got to know a guy in xcraft (:
Thursday ezzaty and i went to xcraft
We hang around there for quite long
We had so much fun there
Didnt went to the zoo yesterday with my family(:
But it sure was boring staying at home alone ):
And my leg hurts too.. ):
But it sure was boring staying at home alone ):
And my leg hurts too.. ):
Went for math tuition just now
Cant concentrate much
Cause i am down with flu ):
My cousin said positive to pogetive and line to nine
There were others too but i cant remember
So funny luh
I almost laugh (:
Cant concentrate much
Cause i am down with flu ):
My cousin said positive to pogetive and line to nine
There were others too but i cant remember
So funny luh
I almost laugh (:
Thursday, June 3, 2010

I am so damn bored!
Doris went to malaysia and i cant go out with her! D:
Currently nothing to do now!
Except blogging...
Anyone wanna go out?!
Went for english supp just now and after that stayed in school until 1+ then i went home cause i have nothing to do at home..
Had to finish my physics and maths tys before school reopens...
I am halfway through my physics and i have not started my math!
Oh gosh!
Gotta speed up my work! D:
Seriously anyone wanna go out?! :D
I am really really really bored!!! D:
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Bon Voyage!

Oh My Gosh!
I cant wait for friday to come!
So excited to meet my primary school friends again!
Yesterday was Shaun[Brenda's brother] Birthday!
[even though we are not that close...hehe]
Doing math makes me wanna sleep..
How am i gonna pass my math at this rate?!
I wanna have a guitar! D:
DORIS is going off to malaysia later!
Gonna miss her! D:
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